• New Patients

  • We accept most insurance providers. To verify that your dental insurance is accepted, please call our office before your appointment.

    For patients without dental insurance, we offer a unique, customized discount plan to help you get the care you need when you need it. This personalized plan is tailored to fit each individual patient because at Lloyd Family Dental, we understand that one size doesn’t always fit all. If you don’t currently have dental insurance for any reason, there is hope. Our custom discount plan is designed to offer you the same benefits as dental insurance so that you can receive the dental care you need without breaking the bank. If you are interested in learning more about our dental discount plan, please call our office today.

    We also accept payment in the form of cash, check, and credit card. If you would like to learn more about your financial options or our discount dental plan, please give our office a call. Our friendly, knowledgeable office staff will be happy to help you figure out how best to finance your dental care.